I’ve already posted on how to brew beer the easy way using malt extract brewing. Now it’s time to take it one step further and discuss brewing with mini mash.
Rather than relying solely on malt extract for flavor and color, mini mash uses both extract AND grains in the production of the wort. This process gives the beer a more natural and earthy taste and color. Extract brewing and mini-mash brewing are very similar except for the addition of the grains. Here are initial steps for mini mash using the Pale Face Pale Ale I brewed yesterday:
Sanitize Everything!
Step 1: Add about 2 1/2 gallons of water to your stockpot and heat to 160 degrees Fahrenheit.
Step 2: Put your grains into the grain bag.
Step 3: Place the grain bag in the hot water. Be careful not to let any of the grains spill out of the bag.
Step 4: Monitor the temperature and maintain around 155 degrees Fahrenheit. Let the grains soak for about 45 minutes. You will notice the water turning a darker color. This is good!
Step 5: After 45 minutes, pull the grain bag out of the pot. Place a strainer over the pot and put the grain bag in the strainer. Slowly pour a few cups of hot water over the grain bag. Allow all water to drip into the pot.
Step 6: Remove the grain bag and strainer. Turn stove top on medium high. Add in malt extract. Be sure to stir the pot immediately after you add the extract. It contains a lot of sugar and can burn easily.
You now have the beginnings of a mini-mash wort. Simply follow the rest of the steps for extract brewing (adding hops, chilling the wort, adding the yeast), and put it in the primary fermenter for a week.
hey Adam :) love your blog...well i like the chicks...not the beer! although i think if i drank beer, i would want to make it myself too! Hope all is well...!