Friday, August 20, 2010

First Egg!

Well, it finally happened…we got our first egg from the chickens!


Laurie went out to feed the chickens yesterday morning, and to her surprise, a nice brown egg was sitting in the roost box.  Amazing!


The likely culprit is Cinnamon, our Cinnamon Queen.  At 5 months, she’s the oldest.


The egg on the left is Cinnamon’s.  The egg on the right is an Organic Valley large organic egg from the store.  As you can see, they are very similar in size and color.

IMG_0233 IMG_0232

I weighed the eggs using Laurie’s food scale.  They are both 58 grams.  Cinnamon’s eggs are almost identical to the ones in the store that cost $5 a carton!


Once the others start laying, we’ll probably have about 20-25 eggs a week.  No word on whether the other girls are jealous.


  1. My poor chickens will be experiencing their coldest night of the year tonight, supposed to be 5 degrees and about -15 windchill.
