Friday, April 16, 2010

Ameraucana Woman

We got her!  It was a bit of an ordeal, but we found a little Ameraucana chick at a feed store in Pflugerville called Gaddy’s.  Ameraucanas are cool because they lay blue eggs.

Chicks 001

She kind of looks like our other Barnevelder, and it’ll be hard to keep track of them once they are bigger.  However, for now she is noticeably smaller than the other three and quite shy.

Chicks 004

The other three were very curious with the new “intruder,” but they treated her relatively nicely.  We checked on them a few times throughout the night, and the Ameraucana was sleeping mostly by herself.  It was kind of sad, but I think she just needed to be in a warmer part of the box under the light.  I’m sure in a week or so they’ll all be best friends.

As for the other three, they have begun to sprout feathers on their wings.  They are now hopping, scratching, and semi-flying around the box.  They grow up so fast!  We’ll probably have to get a screen cover for the box soon.

Martin, my handyman, came over the other night and surveyed the site for the coop.  He’s going to send me a quote soon.

1 comment:

  1. You should talk to Suzanne's mom. She has a catalogue you can order chicks from. Blue and green eggs!
