As you can see we have a pretty big, open backyard. When we had our first two chickens, we just let them roam around the yard unfettered. It was quite nice for them, but it was hard for us to find their eggs. And sadly, their wanderings ultimately led to their demise (i.e. hungry dog next door).
This time around we’re going to build them an actual chicken coop. I like the idea of their being able to roam freely, so I want to make sure they have plenty of room. They also need a nice roosting place so we won’t have to hunt for eggs every day. We have two options:
The Traditional Coop
I laid down a black plastic tarp about 15 feet x 6 feet. The idea is to build a traditional coop ala
Advantages – covered roof, easy to walk into, safe against predators
Disadvantages – lots of materials, limited free-range space, takes up a lot of space
The Conversion Coop
The previous owners of the house build a make shit rabbit pen. The basic structure still stands. We can use this area as a free range pen if we somehow cover the top so the girls can’t escape. I’d also build a smaller coop for them to roost and stay warm during the winter.
Advantages – structure already exists, lots of free-range space, doesn’t take up as much space
Disadvantages – curious German Shepherd on the other side of fence, not as secure against predators, hard to access since it’s only about 3 feet high
My handyman Martin is coming over in the next few days to take a look. Based on his suggestions, we’ll choose one of the two options. Right now I’m leaning towards The Conversion as long as we can secure the fence.
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